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Hello there and welcome to inWebson.com!
First of all, I would like to thank you for visting inWebson.com! Well, this is my first weblog, but I will do my best to make this blog as useful and helpful as possible to you =) The purpose of this blog is to summarize useful web content for web designers and web developers.
inWebson.com is a design weblog dedicated to web designers, web developers and freelancers as well as bloggers. We will constantly publishing useful tips and tricks regarding web design and also covering useful tools and plugins for web designers, web developers and bloggers. We hope to be as useful and helpful as we can to you.
Why I started this blog? In the past, I had been working as web developer, both full-time and freelance. I love reading other people’s blogs for tips and tricks in web design and never thought of make one myself. But things have changed when I meet few bloggers whose enjoying blogging. They told me how well they have fun in blogging and affected them. So, why shouldn’t I give it a try? And here comes where you’re now =)
Okay, that’s all I wanted to say for now! How about yours? Have something’s to share with me or find any errors or bugs somewhere here, please do let me know. You are always welcome to use the Contact Us form or leave your comments below!