5 Must Know Tips for Facebook Timeline Fan Page

by Kenny on
Facebook has introduced new timeline to all Facebook Fan Pages. Here's some must know tips for new Facebook timeline layout for Fan Page.

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Facebook has introduced new timeline to all Facebook Fan Pages on March 30, 2012. Now, all Facebook business/Fan Pages should automatically change to new Facebook timeline layout whether they like it or not. Instead of complaining about the changed, why not take a chance to renew your Facebook Fan Page?

Facebook Timeline Fan Page Tips

In this post, I have listed some must know tips regarding new Facebook timeline for Fan Page. Perhaps you will get to know better on new Facebook Fan Page from these tips.


1. New Cover Image for Your Brand

Timeline Cover Image

Yes, Facebook Fan Page is supports for cover image, just like personal profile page. Be sure to make good use of this really BIG space to promote your brand or products!

Cover Image: 850px * 315px (at least 399px wide)
Profile Image: 180px * 180px

#Note: Please concern about Facebook Cover Image Rules when creating cover image for your fan page.

  • Price or purchase information, such as “40% off” or “Download it at our website”
  • Contact information, such as web address, email, mailing address or other information intended for your Page’s About section
  • References to user interface elements, such as Like or Share, or any other Facebook site features
  • Calls to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends”

Having problem with cover image design? Here’s some example of cover image for your inspiration.

Famous Brand Pages Facebook Cover Designs – http://www.yhyqart.com/2012/02/29/facebook-timeline-world-famous-brand-pages-cover-designs-cool-ideas-fan-pages/
Creative Facebook Timeline Cover – http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/creative-facebook-timeline-covers/


2. Page Tabs with Thumbnail

Page Tabs

Facebook Page Tabs are still there but with new look and feel, and are called ‘apps’ now. They are displayed as thumbnails under cover image. You can have up to 12 apps with each provides you a wide space to promote your content, though only 4 apps (including Photo) are always on display underneath cover image. Thus, remember to rearrange your apps!

Tabs Thumbnail: 111px * 74px
Tabs Content: 670px width

#Note: No more default landing tab. Your default landing page will be your timeline!
#Note: Each app has a unique URL so you can drive traffic to apps by linking to this URL.


3. Highlight or Pin?

pin or highlight

With new timeline Fan page, you can highlight or pin any post on your timeline. Highlighted posts will become wider and take up both sides of page. While pinned post won’t get bigger, but will stay on top of timeline for 7 days. So, highlight or pin?

How to?
Highlight post: Hover over your post and click the ‘Star’ icon. Facebook called it ‘starring’ post!
Pin post: Hover over your post, click the ‘Pencil’ icon, and then select ‘Pin to Top’.


4. Private Message from Fan

Fan message

Your Fan Page now has the capability to receive private message from your fan. Be sure to check your Fan page Inbox by time!


5. Milestones

Facebook Milestone

Not only status, photo, and question updates, but you can set business milestones on your timeline as well, such as founding date, achievements, and etc.

Milestone Image: 843px * 403px


What Else?

All in one Admin Panel. The new Admin Panel will be on top of your timeline. It displays almost everything about Fan page status, like page notifications, fan messages, new likes and page insights.

Activity Log. Same as personal timeline, you can see all published posts here, and able to control the visibility of these posts.


Permissions. Still, you can set your page permissions through ‘Edit Page’ button.


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