10 Hidden Google Tricks and Easter Eggs | Something you don’t know

by Kenny on
In this post, I have listed 10 awesome and fun hidden Google tricks and easter eggs. Let’s play with Google search bar and have FUN with it!

Look Inside

Hidden Google Tricks and Easter Eggs screenshot
Google is FUN to use and search. The reason I say “FUN” is because sometimes when you googling, you’ll discover some hidden Google Tricks, Easter Eggs and Secrets. In this post, I have listed 10 awesome and fun hidden tricks and easter eggs by Google. Let’s play with Google and have FUN with it!

Let It Snow

Let It Snow - Google Easter Egg
Let It Snow - Google Easter Egg

Do you know that Google is celebrating the upcoming seasonal holiday with their latest Easter Egg? Simply type in the words “let it snow” in the Google search bar, without quotation marks, and Google will surprise you with some awesome effects. Stop whatever you are doing now, go to Google homepage and try it before it’s gone. (This is only applicable to Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. IE doesn’t work.)

Do a barrel roll

do a barrel roll - Google Easter Egg
do a barrel roll - Google Easter Egg

Yes, you probably have heard this Google’s Easter Egg before. However, for those who haven’t tried, go to Google right now and search for “do a barrel roll” without quotation marks. If you have enabled “Instant Search” in your Google Chrome, you will see the effects once you enter “do a” in the search bar. (This is only applicable to Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. IE doesn’t work.)


hanukkah - Google Easter Egg
hanukkah - Google Easter Egg

Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights is a Jewish holiday celebrated for 8 days. Hereby, another Easter Egg by Google, try search for “Hanukkah” in Google and see what will happen.

Google Gravity

Google Gravity - Google Trick
Google Gravity - Google Trick

This is REAL, Google has GRAVITY! LOL… This is not a Google Easter Egg but Google Tricks. Whatever it is, you should check out this really cool and awesome Google trick. Visit Google hompage, search for “Google Gravity” and click on I’m Feeling Lucky button.

Askew or Tilt

Askew or Tilt - Google Easter Egg
Askew or Tilt - Google Easter Egg

Another cool Easter egg, type “askew” or “Tilt” in Google search bar, again without quotation marks.


recursion - Google Easter Egg
recursion - Google Easter Egg

Did I misspell “recursion”? If not why Google keep showing the message “Did you mean:”? LOL…


Anagram - Google Easter Egg
Anagram - Google Easter Egg

Google can’t find the “anagram” word?

What defines an English person

Do you know how Google defines an English person? If you wish to know, search for “what defines an English person” in Google search bar.

The loneliest number

What is “the loneliest number” in the world? Google know the answer :)

Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the universe and everything

Another question, what is the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the universe and everything”?

Youtube Snake Game

Youtube Snake Game - Youtube Easter Egg
Youtube Snake Game - Youtube Easter Egg

Did you know that you can play Classic Snake Game in Youtube while watching Youtube video? To activate it, simply click on the video box, hold left arrow for four seconds and then press down arrow. (I would like to share this FUN here even though this is not part of Google Easter Eggs and Tricks :) )

Final Thought

Last but not least, there are still a lot of hidden Google tricks and easter eggs out there somewhere that still haven’t been discovered yet. If you have found out some other cool and fun hidden Google tricks and easter eggs, SHARE with us! You’re always welcome to SHARE your thoughts in the comment form below.


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